Wednesday, July 2, 2008

First words!

Jackson is starting to speak these days. I mean, he's always communicated to us before, we just couldn't understand him. Now, he's starting to pick up little words, and knows when to use them. His first words were "wow!" and "whoa". He'd say these when he saw something really fascinating, or if we did something that he couldn't, like whistle.
His next word was "ball", but it sounded more like "bowl". We have a ball that he's taken a liking to, and he looks for it every morning. First thing, before a diaper change or breakfast, he has to have his ball. Now he's picked up on "hot", "hi dad", "grandpa", "amen", "me" and some others he uses a lot but we can't understand.

Other than that, he gets our attention and points to what he want. It surprises me how much he really understands! He's such a smarty! That comes from me....
oh, you might be thinking, what's with the water pics? Well, Jackson kept saying "wow" over and over when we were playing in the hose. I love it when he says this word, because he keeps his lips puckered forever afterwords. I tried to take a few pics of this, and the camera is never as quick as you want it to be, but you get the idea. First word caught on film!

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