Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just a phase

Some phases last longer than others. I think Zoey hit her "terrible two's" at 12 months and continues to linger there. It's the phase of  I want to do it myself and I am going to say NO to anything you ask and I want to be the boss... We remind ourselves it's just a phase and try our best to enjoy the bulk of it.

Brian and I have captured some random pictures of Zoey lately that just typify her personality.
 A little potty training accident ended up with her bathing in the sink...she really is cute in spite of the mess she made! I just love her pudginess! All morning long I had asked her if she needed to go potty, which of course she said 'no' to...and then I found a puddle!
 This is a shot of Zoey wanting a snack and as she says, "I want to get it all by my own!" There is a reason our snack food is on the 3rd shelf, but it doesn't deter her from trying!
Zoey wanted to eat lunch without her pants on- who knows why, but why not! Some things aren't worth the argument. I just can't understand why she'd want to sit on a cold wooden chair without pants on! I just sigh and say, that's Zoey!

But as difficult as the toddler years are cut-out to be, there are some priceless moments that I really enjoy. Even the frustrating ones.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


As a new mother, I use to complain when my day starting at 6:45am. Now, I've just gotten use to the fact that my kids are early risers! No matter what time they go to bed, they wake up early! So I have had to adjust my schedule so that I can enjoy those early morning hours, rather than feeling like a hibernating bear getting out of bed each day.
Eli's day starts at 6am. I can't complain too much because he sleeps 12 hours through the night, but it's an early start. I take that time to kick on the fire to get the downstairs warmed up, read my scriptures and say my morning prayers, and spend time with just Eli. It's the only time of day that I have to be with just the two of us and I really enjoy it. 
By 8 am the rest of the house is waking up. Jackson ALWAYS begs to hold Eli before he goes back to bed for his morning nap. Jackson loves his brother so much. Then I get breakfast started and the kids dressed while Brian showers and gets ready. Zoey's favorite part is to help Brian shave, notice the shaving cream on  his nose! She'd put it all over his face if he let her!
By 9am Jackson heads off to school...and I feel like going back to bed! But the day has only begun. While he's gone, I clean house and get showered myself. Then it's time for lunch and afternoon naps. By 3 o'clock I'm wondering where the day went and wishing I could get a nap, hoping Brian will come home early (not likely), and pondering what to do about dinner.

Of all the daily routines, morning is my favorite.

Park Roke City

Brian had a business conference in Park City (which the kids call Park Roke City- maybe a mix of Park City and Salt Lake City, I don't know why they call it that). Anyway, since he was going to be working all week, but close enough to home, we decided to tag along. The kids had fun just being somewhere new. The hotel was a new and exciting experience, so getting them to sleep was a challenge, but we enjoyed our stay. Hotel Park City is VERY nice! It was like being in a condo with a full kitchen and two bathrooms and lots of living space. We watched movies, fed ducks, played in the snow, and had a visit from Aunt Christina and cousin Gavin! We were going to stay one extra day and night, but Jackson had decided the newness of being in a hotel was wearing off and begged to go home on Friday, so we packed up and left. It was like any vacation- good to get away, but good to get home! 
 Feeding the ducks
 Zoey eating the duck typical!
having fun in the snow!

3 months!

Our handsome Eli! He is now a little more than 3 months old. At 14 pounds and 26 inches, he is in the 75th percentile in both weight and height (our smallest baby yet!). But he is also our HAPPIEST baby yet! We love him!