Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just a phase

Some phases last longer than others. I think Zoey hit her "terrible two's" at 12 months and continues to linger there. It's the phase of  I want to do it myself and I am going to say NO to anything you ask and I want to be the boss... We remind ourselves it's just a phase and try our best to enjoy the bulk of it.

Brian and I have captured some random pictures of Zoey lately that just typify her personality.
 A little potty training accident ended up with her bathing in the sink...she really is cute in spite of the mess she made! I just love her pudginess! All morning long I had asked her if she needed to go potty, which of course she said 'no' to...and then I found a puddle!
 This is a shot of Zoey wanting a snack and as she says, "I want to get it all by my own!" There is a reason our snack food is on the 3rd shelf, but it doesn't deter her from trying!
Zoey wanted to eat lunch without her pants on- who knows why, but why not! Some things aren't worth the argument. I just can't understand why she'd want to sit on a cold wooden chair without pants on! I just sigh and say, that's Zoey!

But as difficult as the toddler years are cut-out to be, there are some priceless moments that I really enjoy. Even the frustrating ones.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, Ha, she is so funny! Love the little glimpse into her personality.
