Friday, January 3, 2014

5 photos

 I've noticed I had a similar picture taken of me with each one of my kids. It wasn't planned, but just happened to be a great shot that happened 5 times (and by different photographers... Brian, Trina, and Taraleigh). Zoey was sick with RSV as a newborn, so she's a little older in her picture, but nonetheless, they remind me of special moments. 

I can't believe Jackson is 6 years old already! The other night, Brian was rocking Isaac and mentioned that these days will soon be a distant memory. It almost makes me kind of sad to really think about that. I have enjoyed my moments of being a mom of little babies (as hard as it can be sometimes) but I look forward to our family growing together. I look forward to being a mom of bigger kids too.

For me, 2014 will be a lot of Isaac's firsts and all of my lasts. I look forward to it with mixed emotions: sadness in saying goodbye to an era of our lives of nighttime feedings, teething, sleep training, learning to walk and talk, etc... and with excitement as we move forward and get to see our children grow. 

I love being a mom. I couldn't imagine our family any different. 







  1. I'm amazed that these photos were taken over a span of 6 years! You look the same in all of them, like you haven't aged at all!! What a neat thing to have a similar picture with all of them. So cool!

  2. Thanks! You took 2 of the photos! I'm glad I have them. I feel like I've aged a lot in 6 years (lots of sleepless nights!), but the time seems to have passed so quickly. Time is a funny thing, sometimes I want it to speed up and at others I want it to stand still!
