Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy one month!

Isaac had his tongue clipped (our 3rd tongue tied baby!), PKU, and circumcision all on the same day. It was an awful visit to the Doctor and following 2 weeks of recovery from head to toe! I felt bad for the little guy! Now at a month old, he seems a little more content with the world outside. His umbilical cord has fallen off, he's healed from his Doctor visit, and he's even grown out of some newborn clothes!

His eyes are beginning to adjust and focus on things. Sometimes he'll just catch something to stare at and gaze intently. I love it when he watches me, and I wonder what he's thinking in that little head of his. I have had some very special moments when I have had the chance to be uninterrupted from the other children (usually at night when I rock him) when I feel an overwhelming sense of love for him. I am so thankful God sent him to me. He will always be my baby. The very last….


He does have a little reflux issue, but not nearly as bad as Calvin did. And Isaac doesn't seem to mind when he spits up or is burpy. I can handle the spit-up, it's the fussiness that's hard to handle, so thank goodness Isaac is such a good and content baby (except for his "witching hour" around 8 pm, when he gets a little fussy until bedtime)!

 He's starting to hold his head up! He is pretty content with the other kids attempts to hold him.

He's now pushing over 8 pounds, eating well and sleeping great! He has a great schedule during the day, naps well, and he also sleeps consistently for a 5 hour stretch each night. I usually only have to get up with him once to nurse, but even on "bad nights" when I have to get up 2 times, he's still a pretty good sleeper! 

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