Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A is for Apple

With all the sickness our family has been exposed to, we decided to pull Zoey from Preschool this winter to try and keep our family healthy. I had been doing "mom-school" with her throughout the year on days when she was not attending regular class. She always complained about going to preschool, claiming "mom-school" was more fun. I don't know why because we go over the same things as her school class, but to each her own! We've learned days of the week, months of the year, weather, writing letters, counting to 20 and backwards, calendaring, sounds and sight words...

In preparing to get back into teaching her and Eli, we talked about what she wanted to learn about. Apples! We have covered how apples grow, parts of an apple, cycle of the seed, and patterns. The rest of the week includes apple investigation (exploring, drawing, and describing their own apple), apple taste-test (find out our favorite kind!) and Johnny Appleseed day.

It's been fun. We've incorporated art, math and reading in the mix. Here are some fun pictures of bobbing for apples (she learned it's harder than it looks!):

  Other topics she wanted to learn about are the seasons, growth of the body, the world and countries, and how to read. I'm looking forward to exploring those topics with her and Eli!

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