Sunday, January 26, 2014

Walk Like an Egyptian...

On Thursday, we took a "stroll" through the next country Zoey chose to learn about--Egypt! Zoey and Eli learned that Egypt is part of the Sahara desert, what the flag looks like, and modern day Egyptian culture…but their favorite part was talking about the pyramids, the Nile, Pharaohs, hieroglyphics, hippos and camels.

Zoey took a stab at writing her name in hieroglyphics.

We made golden neck ornaments that Pharaohs would have worn. Theirs were probably not as cool as ours made out of macaroni and paper plates and gold spray paint though!

We made hummus and pita bread and had Egyptian style kabobs for dinner. Brian and Zoey helped with the meal (she loves to wear her apron)! It was delicious!

The same foods of rice and potatoes, chicken and tomatoes, carrots and onions keep popping up in all the different cuisines we have studied, but they are just prepared in different ways. It's so interesting how the same foods can taste so dramatically different depending on its preparation and spices used.

It has been a great experience to see the kids learn about how different the world is from the "world" that they know- our little town of Lindon Utah. Zoey is wondering why not everyone is white and speaks English. It's a fun and interesting way to teach about our differences!

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