Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Zoey's growing!

I haven't posted about Zoey lately, and it probably has something to do with not having a camera the past few weeks to document how much she is growing! She is a chunk...check out the picture of her thighs.. you gotta love 'em! She has the most luscious soft skin and I love it!

A couple of weekends ago, Brian took Jackson on a father and son's camp out to Silver Lake (which I'll post about later, but which also left just the girls to be together). I realized that the time I had with her was just what I needed!

She is such a sweetheart, and I haven't had the opportunity to spend that quality time with her as I did with Jackson when he was a baby. Brian has said a few times "I wish all of our kids could be an only child for a while," meaning Jackson is the only one of our children who will get the undivided attention of BOTH parents for a length of time in his life. Everyone else afterwords has to share our attention. Zoey has been the first to experience what that is like, to share. But I think I am learning alot too on what it means to divide my time between them.

I had such a fun evening with her. We did a little shopping, went out to eat, went for a walk, and played together before bath and bedtime. I got her to laugh soooo hard that I realized I hadn't made her laugh as hard, or played with her so much as I did that night and it was so FUN! I realized that although she is so much a part of my day, she had become the baby that sits on my hip while I do chores, or waits to be fed or changed, or rescued from Jackson, or put down for a nap. What I was missing was how important it is to PLAY! It seems I had so much more time for that when it was just one child I was rearing. Anyway, I made a new resolution to be a better and more playful mom to my sweet girl.

Here are some recent pictures of her...she has been crawling for quite a while, is now standing, and I think she'll be walking soon too (I'd give her a couple of months). Jackson is seeing her as a major threat to his toys now that she can book-it to whatever she wants. He has learned the art of sitting on her head, pushing her down from standing, taking her toys (or anything she seems to have in hand), and enveloping her in a scary bear hug. None of which she like. But he also likes to play chase, peek-a-boo, and "follow me Zoey!". She is very resilient and seems to love him anyway, but loves it more when someone is there to play with her.

Her best time of day is first thing in the morning. It is also my absolute favorite time to be with her. Of course I wish it were a little LATER in the morning than it turns out to be, but I enjoy her lying next to me in bed and babbling, cooing, and just being content and happy. She is just such a happy baby at that time of day and so cuddly, I just relish it! I love her to pieces!!

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