Monday, July 27, 2009

Toddler Humor

Jackson just doesn't know how cute and funny he is. I'm loving this part about this stage he is in because it makes my day (and makes up for all the whiiiiine he does too).

Here are a couple of those funny situations that might make you smile today as well...

1)We usually eat breakfast as a family. Last week, Brian had a hectic schedule with early starts to the day and wasn't around to enjoy breakfast with the family until Friday. That morning, I got Jackson out of his bed and said, "I have a surprise for you!" (meaning his dad was home) so when I brought him into our room to show him Brian was home with us, he looked around the room, sort of confused, and asked, "Where did the treat go?"

2)I told Jackson all morning we were going to the park. I took him to a park that had walking paths, beautiful flowers, ponds, waterfalls, fish and ducks. He enjoyed all of these, but kept asking me "Where's the park?" After explaining to him that we were IN the park, I understood he meant, "Where's the playground?"

3)After sending Brian off to work, we spent the morning cleaning house. Jackson is usually a great help, but this morning he didn't want to, so he rolled up a some paper under his arm and said, "I'm going to work, I'll be right back, OK?"

4)I was trying to get Jackson to eat a piece of bread for dinner, and he looked at me for a while and said, "horse poop!" Excuse me?!?! I looked at Brian, where did he learn THAT?

5)Brian was leaving town and told Jackson he was going to be the man of the house while he was away. Jackson said, "No, mommy is the man of the house!" At least he knows who wears the pants! ha ha
You gotta love this little guy! He's the best!

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