Tuesday, January 22, 2008

If Jackson was a bumper sticker...

So I am writing two posts today because I just can't pass up sharing what happened with Jackson today. I love how all the little things he does makes me laugh.

When I was feeding Jackson lunch today, I was thinking how I would describe him in one sentence. So, then I thought that the people who make up those bumper sticker saying might actually be on to something (random, I know, but it's how my mind works sometimes).... Here are a few I thought of:

I'd rather be naked.

The key to my heart is through my stomach.

Catch me if you can.

Wait until I'm a teenager.

Isn't there an easier way to do this?

This post is actually regarding the last one. I'd say Jackson is pretty imaginative. After his main meal, I gave him a cup of diced fruit so that he could feed himself while I washed dishes. He has gotten pretty good at it. A minute later, I looked over and he was trying to suck up the fruit off of the tray with his mouth! Mouth to food, not food to mouth....typical boy. I grabbed my camera and snapped these photos.

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