Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Spring Break! Potty Training and Zion

Chelsea has been asking me to do a blog about this past spring break. I guess now that summer is drawing to a close, it's about time that I finish it up.

This year has had a lot of really odd weather. Record warm April, cool May, and a super wet June. It turns out that the week of Spring Break started out a bit cold and rainy, but I was undeterred...or more accurately, the three oldest kids wouldn't accept another option. It was Zion or bust! So on Wednesday, we headed out in cold, rainy weather, hoping for more sun in the south.

We wished Chelsea, Calvin and Isaac could have joined us...kind of. Although we missed them tons and tons, it's kind of fun not being held back by the two little ones. And I think that Chelsea and the older kids getting a break from each other once in a while is good for everybody...distance makes the heart grow fonder. Besides Calvin was working on potty-training!

It was a big challenge for Chelsea to take on...and also a big success from what we heard! We are super excited to have 4 out of 5 done! Only 1 to go!! It took a few days for him to get it. They stayed close to home and close to the toilet... the whole week. They played puzzles, play dough, colored with markers, and played outside. Anything they could do to be near enough a toilet. By Friday, they ventured out for the first time and made a short trip to the store and he had NO ACCIDENTS! Calvin earned ice cream for a reward :) wahoo! He finally figured it out! It's worth noting that Calvin has the most unique way of getting on the toilet. Rather than backing on to it, he kind of attacks it head on, climbs up and then walks his feet around the right side, the back and the left side before sitting down. It's fun to watch, but I'm sure he'll out grow it some day.

When we left for Zion, they kids were bouncing all around, so excited and full of energy, but before we got to far down the road they had fallen asleep!

In Zion they all worked on their Junior ranger badges and brought back Calvin an "honorary ranger badge". The kids love riding the bus in between hikes and adventures. At night we did s'mores and even a pop corn and an iPad movie night.

After the last day, we took the long way/back way home, through Bryce Canyon, Escalante, Boulder, Loa and Richfield. It was beautiful but took a long time. The kids loved to pass the time listening to Radio Lab podcasts about Otzi, cool science and history stories. We all had an awesome time and are already looking forward to next year.

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