Monday, April 22, 2013

Whenever I hear the song of a bird...

This is what I love about Spring...

Tulips are up! We planted some lovely tulips and daffodils this year and they made me so happy! I plan to plant several more bulbs this fall!  It's amazing how something small like these early bloomers can cheer up a day that doesn't feel like Spring when you think it should!

Spring cleaning! I think I keep my house pretty clean, but Spring has a way of shedding light on some unwanted dirt! Zoey has been an eager helper, especially in the kitchen :)

Planting! We have little seedlings of basil coming up! The kids planted some in paper cups and we've enjoyed watching them grow in the windowsill. The garden has been tilled and we are anxiously awaiting the garden season!

Plum blossoms! I love these beautiful trees in our yard! The pink blossoms are so plentiful and colorful. I love seeing the trees throughout the neighborhood start to wake up and leaf-out! It's such a thrill to see winter is coming to an end, even if days are still a bit nippy outside.

"Go outside and play!" I get to say this phrase again! Hallelujah! And the kids never fight me on it, they love to do it! Sunny days, even if they are still a bit cold, just beckons the kids to be outside and ride bikes, swing, or play in the dirt. Jackson likes to plant (usually things that won't grow like popcorn seeds, dandelions, and branches) and he has hopes that the area of the yard he calls his "garden" will grow something he has planted. He takes after Brian that way....maybe we should get him a planter box for his birthday?

 Oh, and yes, as the title of my post suggests.... the birds are back and serenade us every morning about 6am, but as the sun begins to come up earlier, their song will match it. It's a wonderful reminder that the days are gettinglonger and the sun is coming up earlier! It helps get me out of bed so I can start my day (hopefully with a run, if I am lucky). Running season is upon me and training for the Epic relay. My morning runs are an important part of my day...I look forward to it and love it!

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