Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Jackson is growing and learning so fast, and in so many ways. Yesterday, Annie offered to tend the kids for an hour so I could run and get a a break (Brian has been traveling a lot, so it was really appreciated)!

While Eli and Zoey were napping, Jackson and Annie went to a bike ride around the church parking lot behind our house. A conversation went something like this:

Jackson: "Do you see Jesus in Primary?"
Annie: "I am not in Primary, but I try to feel Jesus when I am at church." She then starts to explain about the Holy Ghost.
Jackson: "Can you lose the Holy Ghost?"
Annie: "Yes, sometimes you can."
Jackson: "Next time you lose the Holy ghost, you call up Heavenly Father and tell Him to get you a new one!"

So cute! I love that my children can learn principles like this from our family members...we have such a great environment for them to grow up in. It's nice to know that these teaching moments aren't wasted when I can't always be around.

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