Wednesday, March 2, 2011

5 months!

Eli is now 5 months old, I can't believe it! He has started eating solid foods, which means I have started making baby food. I am excited about this, it was one of my resolutions to make/puree/freeze baby food this year, and I think it will be better tasting, healthier, and cheaper. He likes carrots and bananas and rice cereal so far. I am going to try sweet potatoes and butternut squash this next week. He is ravenous for food! Loves it!

You will also often find him doing this:  
He loves his hands and tries to fit his whole fist into his mouth, but particularly his thumbs...which has me a little worried. Since he was born "tongue tied" he had to have his tongue clipped. But since then, he has been exploring the new freedom his tongue has and often reminds me of a lizard or snake. His tongue is constantly on the move, in and out, in and out....

He will have nothing to do with a bottle or binky. He sleeps well, and is really happy. He is my first baby to be "smiley" to strangers. He has the most interesting laugh i have ever heard. I love the uniqueness of it. When he gets really going on his laugh, he makes himself cough, which makes the family laugh even harder. 
Eli is also rolling now and will get on his knees and rock back and forth, so I'm sure crawling is just around the well as teething. 
SO far his eyes are still mostly blue, but they are starting to change, speckles of green and brown are appearing. I am always so sad when the eyes change....I wish they could stay the same forever. Not that he won't have beautiful eyes in another color, but I do feel sad that the eyes I have known for the past five months will be different. It's a sentimental thing of a mother, I guess. 
In a nutshell, he is awesome!  

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