Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October Play Group

Jackson is so cute in his Halloween costume! He loves to wear it around the house and will drag it out of his closet to have me dress him in it. I think it's because he knows it's a monkey suite and he totally loves monkeys! He smiles at himself in the mirror when he is dressed up and I like to think it's because he realizes just how cute he is! He has recently picked up on saying "cheese" for the camera...which is what he is saying in this picture...can't you just hear him?

Each month I host a play group and anyone is invited to attend. Some months are more attended than others, and this happened to be one of those months! We decided to have a costume Halloween Party with all the kiddos to celebrate October! The kids were so cute! The outfits stayed on all but 10 minutes, just in time for a picture, but at least they had fun.

Abby Washburn taught us the movements and words to a song about witches:

"I'm a witch with a big tall hat,
I ride my broom with my scary cat,
My nose is pointy and my shoes are too,
Watch out! Or I might scare you!
I'm a witch with a big tall hat,

We made paper bag monsters and had a healthy Halloween lunch (pumpkin shaped sandwiches, "witches brew," and fruit). It was a fun-filled packed hour and a half and it wiped Jackson out entirely for his nap! He slept so well after playing hard with his buddies. Thanks to all who came!

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