Monday, May 12, 2008

Any ideas for Blog Names?

I knew this day was coming. Our html address will have to change soon. Our blog address has been, as you know, "a guy a girl and a boy", but with adding another member to our family, that will no longer work (you don't have to read that sentence twice, I'm pregnant!). If you have any ideas for a new address, let me know! At least I've got six months to think about it.
New baby Beutler is due on November 28th, the day after Thanksgiving! I am hoping we will be able to avoid spending the holiday in the hospital. I am also hoping for another boy, Jackson has been so easy, and so the thought of having a hormonal girl, or anything different than Jackson, scares me. Brian thinks it will be a girl, and his logic is kind of funny: Brian's birth month is in May and Jackson was also born in May. My birth month is November, and so it only makes sense to him that it has to be a girl since my due date is in November....

The first trimester has gone by pretty well. Morning sickness has been easier this time around. I still have an occasional bad day, but I've never felt as sick as my pregnancy with Jackson (and his was easy, I thought). The fatigue has been the thing that has wiped me out this time. I feel ready to go back to bed after being up for only an hour! I usually take a nap everyday while Jackson is sleeping, but it doesn't guarentee that I will feel better when I get up. I'm looking forward to the 2nd trimester~ I know my energy should pick up and I will feel a lot better overall.

This pregnancy is flying by so fast already, it seems. I know it's not even summer yet, but Thanksgiving seems too close! We are so excited for another baby in our home. We should find out before the 4th of July what we are having, so I'll keep you posted!

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