Saturday, May 4, 2013

A camping party...

  Jackson wanted a camping themed party. It was really fun to put together, we already had most the props! I made fun signs that read "Camp Jackson" "Don't feed the bears" "Campers report here" and "campfire ahead" made out of cardboard shipping boxes we had on hand.  We had a ton of fun, so I guess it was all worth it :)

We started the evening with a hot dog dinner, complete with chips and juice box drinks! Boys love that kind of thing. I made a fruit tray and potato salad for the adults, who also enjoyed brats over dogs...I was worried about having a real fire and sending a boy to the ER, knowing how boys goof around, so we opted for balloons instead :) It was a hit!

The Grandpa's graced us with their talents of entertainment. Elmo played several fun songs on the harmonica. The boys thought it was cool we had the grandpas there. Grandpa Gray taught the youngsters some cub scout cheers, it was an entertaining dinner!

This was the cake:

 We played camping games like tin can toss, bear tracks (which is played like musical chairs, only I used paper cards with bear tracks in place of chairs), three legged-race, etc...
 The boys made pet rocks and thought it was so cool!

 We had a camp themed scavenger hunt where the boys raced to find items that also doubled as their goody bag treats. Some items were a whistle, a magnifying glass, a flashlights, a few plastic bugs, some treats and a s'more mix.

Jackson has a good group of friends and we had a blast entertaining them!

1 comment:

  1. this is so brilliant! I love it!!! Good job Chelsea! I am a fan of simplicity. You've done real good!
