Saturday, March 16, 2013

10 months already?

Calvin is ten months and wants to walk so badly! I hope he does soon, because he's not happy unless someone is holding his hands. But when we! He is in heaven! He loves it!!

Here is a picture of his teeth I tried to catch last time. He now has 4 on top and 3 on bottom with the fourth coming in soon! Can you tell he's teething by the slobber rolling down his chin! It's a hazard around here! I have to plan on all my outfits getting slobbered! I feel it's a mark of love though and look forward to it! He's completely I'm feeling a bit of freedom again! I love that. but he is attached to the binky like NONE of our other kids. I'm not sure how to handle this, but I'm kind of attached to the fact that he's attached to it. I need him to have it sometimes. But do I break the cycle now or later...I'm not sure I'm ready yet!

It seems as though he's lost the baby look and feel this last month, and the closer he gets to his one year birthday, I see more and more of a toddler in him! If we were keeping pace with the other kids, I'd be pregnant again! I'm not. That thought is still a little overwhelming right now, but Zoey is asking in her prayers all the time for a sister...which really puts the pressure on!

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