Thursday, September 15, 2011

You scream , I scream....

You know how it goes..."we all scream for Ice cream!" 

We had a family fun-night and made homemade ice cream out of #10 cans. Jackson was enthralled with the process. I learned how to do this at a YW's camp way back when I was a beehive in Texas (although it was my only year at camp as a youth, I guess I did learn something after all!)

This is all you need: 
#10 can
a smaller tin can (like the formula size cans for babies)
1 pint of half and half
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
any flavor mix-in (berries, cookies, etc. we prefer just vanilla and put stuff on top)
rock salt

mix all the cream, sugar, vanilla together and dump in the smaller tin can. Place that inside the #10 can, surround with rock salt and ice. Secure lid and start rolling! Our kids liked the "kick the can" style!  20 minutes is usually good for a single recipe. It's pretty simple, but there are better recipes out there I think.

 Jackson and Zoey were more than happy to kick the can around- for the first five minutes- and then it was an endurance race to get the to be patient to wait 20 -30 minutes more so the cream could freeze.

But in the end, they couldn't get enough of the ice cream and pretty much ate until their tummy's ached!

 These are just some fun shots of Eli hanging out while we "Creamed." He does this thing right now that we like to call the 'chicken-walk'. Take a look for yourself!

 And from behind...he really does this all the time and I think it's funny!


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