Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our hallelujah Chorus

Zoey is potty trained! Hallelujah.
I decided to make good use of staying home with sick kids and get her potty trained (Yes, all three kids and myself have been sick the past week). She picked it up really fast and is doing wonderfully. In fact, she likes it so well she refuses to wear a diaper any more. During her naptime/bedtime I had been putting a diaper on her 'just in case,' but when I would check on her, I would find the diaper tossed across the floor of  her room. Apparently, she prefers to sleep naked than with her diaper!
She gets so excited to use the potty. The other day she announced she needed to use the potty and I said "Hurry run!" So she ran, and ran so fast she couldn't stop herself in time to make the corner and ran straight into the wall. It was hilarious! But at least she made it to the potty in time! She loves the potty so much that she will stay on it for about 10 minutes after she gets the job done and will tease me that she's going to fall in "I'm going to fall in mommy! Just teasing you!" It's such a novelty right now. She's cute about it.


  1. Wow, your comments are working! Yea for potty training successes. Good for you and good for Zoey!

  2. I know...that deserves another hallelijah! it's only taken about 5 years to get the comments to work on our blog, but better late than never!

  3. Yeah for Zoey! And Yeah for Mommy! By the way, those apples were so delicious. Thanks!
