Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas at our house...

For months, Jackson has been asking for a car transporter. All summer long I kept telling him "Maybe for Christmas"...

In October, I found a good deal on one and ordered Jackson's Christmas present online. But when the UPS guy delivered the box to our house, Jackson got to it before I did, opened it up and found his Christmas gift inside.

Christmas came early for him, but I took it away and hid it, hoping he would forget.

Nearly three months later, as we were writing letters to Santa Clause, Jackson was giving me a list of wants that were not what he had asked for a while ago (and what he was going to get from Santa). I tried to re-direct his thoughts to some of those gifts he had wanted, asking him things like: "What about a car transporter from Santa?" to which he replied, "No, the mailman already gave me one!"

So... he hasn't forgotten about it afterall, but he has been patiently waiting for Christmas!

Other sayings you would hear around my house this season:

"Mom, don't check the elf to see if it's on fire." (long story) "Maybe the North Pole can fix him"
"I'm going to play with the activity (nativity) set. I'm going to be the farmer (Joseph) and Zoey can be the camel."
"Dad, I love Jesus." Awe. Melt my heart..."But dad, I love Santa more!" Burst my bubble.
"Jackson, too much candy will make you sick." "I WANT to be sick, mom!"
Analyzing my Nativity arrangement, Jackson said, "The Angel is suppose to look down upon them!" (where does he pick up that language-"look down upon them"?!? I mean he's right, smart guy)
Also bits of songs like "Silent Night", "Jingle Bells", "Far, Far away on Judea's Plains" (they like the "Glory to God part"!), and "Up on the Housetop".
It's a wonderful time of year! We are enjoying the season so far!

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