Our camera's
battery charger has been missing for a while, I've turned the house upside down looking for it with no success. So this update will be
picture-less since I can't upload any photos off of it for now.
Just a few updates from our family:
1) 7 weeks left of pregnancy! Yeah, we can't wait. We still don't know what we're having and we are excited to find out. We have a "short list" of names for both boy and girl...it's narrowed down to 3 names for each gender, but we just can't decide which is our favorite yet. Other than that, I'm feeling huge and pregnant and ready to be done. At 12 weeks remaining I put myself to a challenge of "12 projects for 12 weeks" which was a list of 'to-do' items I wanted to make, create and get done before the baby came. It has helped keep me busy and I look forward to each week's new project. I'll post pictures of my creations later when I can get the pictures, but the projects include everything from decorating Jack and
Zoey's room, growth charts, baby announcements, and a family picture wall to name a few.
2) Brian graduates this weekend with his bachelor degree in history with a business minor. We are excited that he has finally finished! He has worked hard to accomplish this goal along with the demands of business/traveling, church, and family. Taking classes has been a challenge, mostly on time, but he's done! Yeah!
Congratulations to him!
3) Jackson is learning to ride his bike with no training wheels! Brian removed both training wheels and
pedals so Jackson could learn to balance and glide. Once he gets that down, we'll put the
pedals back on and let him take off. He's getting pretty good and we think he'll have it down in a week or so. He starts
pre-school this year, in just a couple of weeks! I can't believe summer is nearly over and we're talking school already!
Zoey is doing well with her ear tubes. She's healthier for the most part, but I think it will be a while for her immune system to get strong again after being on antibiotics for so long. She is growing fast and can be a real sweetheart, but she definitely has been a challenge for me as she hists the "terrible two's." I've learned to deal with her differently than I did with Jackson at that age! She LOVES animals, all kinds. We went on a walk yesterday and saw a chicken walking around loose in a neighbors yard and she said, "hi chicken!
c'mere chicken!" But the
cutest thing she says right now is when we're driving around town and I point out the temple she replies, "going there someday!" I love it!
We're all doing really well and keeping busy! Next time I'll have pictures too (hopefully)!