Monday, June 2, 2014

Summertime Sanity

Summer is in full swing! The last day of school was Friday. I didn't make Jackson go because it was only 1 hour. So...we started our Summer vacation a little earlier. He was SO ready to be done with school.  Who can blame him? I totally remember what it was like. I envy the kids' enthusiasm towards summer and hope I can make some good memories with the them like I had growing up.

BUT. It only took two days of having all the kids home together (all the time) to remind myself what summer is like...not the quaint expression referring to the lazy days, that's for sure!

I was reminded how many times I'd have to repeatedly ask someone to shut the back door, how often I would find wrappers to snack items all over the house, the kitchen treated like a 24 hour feeding station, how often I would be asked "Can I watch TV?", and how many times I would find wet clothes on the floor from kids playing in the hose and changing out of those wet clothes in any old spot that suits them in the moment.

I worked really hard to kick off those first few days packed with fun things for the kids and I felt the only return I got was a bunch of tears, fights, and back-talk of them telling just what they were NOT going to do. OR, what they would do (after much coercion) but that they WOULD NOT enjoy it (my favorite line from Zoey)!! I wondered how I would survive 12 weeks of this :)

So.  I made a chart, a schedule and a reward system. So far, it's been effective (of course we're only 3 days into it)!

This might be boring for others, but I post it because I want to remember what the summer of 2014 looked like for us (at least on paper). Here is our rough outline of what we do each day.
The kids get rewarded with tickets for doing their chores. They each have to get dressed, make their bed and clean their rooms, brush their teeth and hair. Then they each have an extra chore like windows, laundry, bathroom counters, dishes etc. to help with that day. If we can get through this phase without complaint, they get tickets at our morning devotional. These tickets can be redeemed at the end of the week for prizes at the "mom-store". So far, it's been magic. I hope it lasts!

This schedule worked well for us last year and so we are repeating it this year as well, working it into our quiet times when the little ones are sleeping (Of course our Tuesday Trips will have to be held when the whole crew is awake, but you get the idea)...just something fun to keep the kids from sitting in front of the TV too much. It also helps with the wet-clothes thing by keeping our fun organized and contained... and mom sane.

Today was make something Monday and we made these cute little jellyfish. It was a hit. Zoey especially loved dancing with hers all over the yard.

It's only the beginning of summer, and our new routine, but it's been such an improvement to the kids' behavior that it makes me hopeful I might enjoy summer vacation too :)

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