Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool's Day

The kids have been looking forward to this little silly holiday for weeks. In fact, Zoey was so excited to do tricks, that she started doing them before April Fool's day (I would find my clocks all set at different times, or the computer turned off). So while they were planning to do fun things to catch us in surprise, Brian and I also had a few tricks up our sleeve.

For breakfast we made cornmeal pancakes. Usually the kids are starving and will snarf them down quickly. Today, Brian made pancakes the size of a pencil eraser and asked "How hungry are you? How many pancakes do you want?" When numbers were called out, he brought over the requested amount and arranged them so cutely on their plates. Totally confused, and Zoey almost in tears, they wondered why they were so tiny. April Fool's! Brian then made up for it with any requested shape pancakes the kids wanted: fire truck, train, rocket ship, and a heart to name a few.

Jackson always has a hard time getting ready for school and drags his feet until the last minute. He was just barely dressed, but with no socks/shoes, or teeth and hair brushed when I yelled that his ride was there to pick him up. I ran upstairs all in a panic to get him ready for school and rush him out the door. He was beginning to feel the panic and ran downstairs only to look out the window and realize that it was April Fool's! At least he was ready to go!

I packed Jackson's lunch today, with nothing but a sandwich box that had 2 slices of bread and a posted note in the middle that said "April Fool's" Brian was planning to meet him at school with a hot lunch and eat with him...I wish I could have seen his reaction :) I was so excited for the surprise I asked Brian to call me afterwards and tell me how it went. Here's what went down:

Brian showed up at school with Cafe Rio and waited in the lunchroom. He saw Jackson walk in with his class and grab his lunchbox, sit down to open it and look completely dumbfounded at the empty lunch before him. He picked up his sandwich container and shook it. He looked around at all of his friends opening their lunches. He slowly opened his sandwich container and looked at his two pieces of bread. By this time Brian had made his way behind Jackson, reached down, opened the sandwich to reveal the post-it note and said "APRIL FOOL'S!" Jackson was so excited (he even spilled the special drink Brian got for them all over the table). Brian enjoyed surprising Jackson... nothing better to break up a normal workday than Cafe Rio, tres leches, and  a lunchtime full of chatty first-graders who wished they had as cool of a dad! It went exactly how I hoped it would :) I wish I could have been there.

On a serious note, I got a text from Eli's Primary teacher this week that said, "The best thing Eli said to me last week during sharing time (talking about Jesus) he turned to me and said, 'we can't see him but we can feel him in here (pointing to his heart).' It was so sweet and not prompted by anyone, and made me cry. That is why I love Primary! Eli is truly one of my favorites. He has energy but is sensitive to gospel teachings, loving and so darn cute!" I was grateful to receive the text because Eli has a ton of energy and I wonder how he is during primary. I know what he's like at home and in sacrament meeting. He has more energy than my other kids ever had, and is loud and strong and active! He's a non-stop mover and talker...an "in-your-face" kind of kid. I'm glad to know he has a primary teacher who loves him. The comment made my day!


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