Sunday, July 28, 2013

Calvin's Babbles

Calvin is trying his tongue at talking! My favorite babble sound he makes is "baba-dee" but he has now grown into making sounds that are starting to sound like actual words. It's exciting. I'm amazed at how much he's grown the last few months.

His first word was "daddy", but close behind came "bird" (which stands for any animal, but he definitely knows a bird when he sees one) and "thank you"... and just so I'm not left out, he can also say "mama" but not very often. What's up with that?!?

He has started to say things (that probably I am the only one who knows what he's saying when he does) like drink, cheese, shoes, Jackson...but the sounds he makes for them are too hard to replicate in typed format. It's cute and fun to hear him communicate. 

He is also getting really good at communicating what he doesn't like by the most annoying sound in the world--screeching! He's so loud! But we know when he doesn't like something (just wish the kids would learn what that sound means too- they tend to bring it on)! Can't wait until he starts to learn how to express his dislikes verbally!

 He's gearing up to give up his place as the baby of the family, but for now, we'll keep him there and enjoy it while it lasts.

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