Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Single Digits!

For the record, this is not my belly. I've never been brave enough to capture my own and share it! In fact, I have very few pictures of me pregnant at all...maybe I'll regret that someday. Oh well, maybe next time around?

9 weeks left!! Since the day we found out we were expecting, it's been a countdown. I've been in the double digits for 31 weeks. 31 weeks! Can you believe it?!? Getting to this point makes me feel like that exciting day is just right around the corner... and ironically the time that passes from here on out moves so slowly!

I've vacillated between excitement and trepidation with baby #4....some days I can't wait, some days I'm just scared! Here is my current list of what I'm ready for and what I'm not:

What I'm ready for:
*To be out of pain on a daily basis from pregnancy related woes
*To lose weight!
*To meet our new baby boy!
*For labor/delivery- I'm totally ready- I love that part- it's so exciting!
*To be able to have longer breaks between restroom visits!
*To feel those first moments and days with a newborn- the spirit is so strong and I love it!

What I'm not ready for:
*Mid-night feedings
*two kids in diapers
*balancing a very young family of 6
*functioning during the day with no sleep
*postpartum squooshy-ness in my midsection!

I guess I'm ready for the major things that matter and for the other stuff, well, ready or not, it's coming!


  1. So exciting!!! You're gonna regret not having some maternity shots. Having said that, I am going to be in Utah at the end of April. We can change that! :) (I'd love to see you anyways!)

  2. eek! PIctures of MY belly?!? I know I should- even if no one else sees them :) Let's coordinate something in April if you have time! It'd be great to see you!

  3. Absolutely! I will be there the week of Women's Conference.

  4. Life will be crazy and it may take a little while to adjust but you'll love it. We need to go out sometime before this baby comes. Let me know what Brian's schedule is like. Love you guys!
