Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Baby

There is a yoga pose called "happy baby" and it's not too far off of what you see Zoey doing these days. I've always thought it was so appropriately named, and I love it when I see my babies doing 'yoga' poses in their own! Jackson is very familiar with yoga already. He will see me stretching and ask "yoga?" How many 2 year old know what yoga is? I love it.
In reality, Zoey is our happy baby. She is such a delight. I think a lot of it has to do with the amount of sleep she gets, but she is just so pleasant to be around. Of course she has fussy times, like when she's hungry, tired, teething, or if Jackson bites her (or any combination of these), but these times are few and far between her happy times. She's so wonderful.
She is rolling, scooting, pivoting, and starting to balance her body weight on her arms and toes....before long she'll be crawling! She got her two front teeth in a week ago, and she hadn't started solid foods until yesterday.
She is soooooo uninterested in baby food. There is a rat on the Pixar movie Ratatouille that says to his brother, "If you work your way past the gag reflex, it opens up all kinds of possibilities!" That's Zoey. She can't get past the gagging. I've tried pureed bananas, pears, applesauce, peas, and finally sweet potatoes. She will eat sweet potatoes, but she doesn't like it! I'm afraid she'll never want to stop nursing.

I can't believe she is almost 6 months! I love seeing her little personality come out. I also love seeing how different she is from Jackson. She is very much a girl and I LOVE it (or maybe it's because Jackson is such a boy that he makes her look more girl-ish)! Either way, I love having one of each.

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