A known fact about children is they learn by copying, mimicking, and repetition. I just want to brag about my little helper, Jackson. For all of you other mothers out there who don't have the luxury of such a helper, I feel sorry for you!
Jackson has been catching on to the idea of how "fun" and "cool" it is to be a grown up. After all, we get to use the toilet and toilet paper, play in water while we wash dishes, dig our hands in flour and sugar, fold laundry and put away dishes in all those neat cupboards! Jackson wants to be
just like us, so he tries his very best to do what we do. But he doesn't understand why we would want to stop him from having all that fun too!
Of course, his idea of "helping" is a lot different than yours and mine, but, he won't stay this young forever, so I'm learning to enjoy it!
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