Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pi Day and other Spring Happenings

March 14 celebrates Pi Day (3.14). We made a banana cream pie, which barely made it to the table in individual dishes. Calvin approved of the finger licking goodness…

I celebrated St. Patrick's Day by making green eggs and ham for breakfast, outfitting the kids in green, and planting some green house plants for my bathroom! 

Zoey's love for crafts keeps me hopping. Yesterday she wanted to make hats and this is what we came up with for Zoey and Eli (spring flowers and a nest). They showed them off to our neighbor Betty who said they were cool and gave them a cookie...

I did a ladies craft night with my mom and sister and some other gals last night and we made these fun Easter signs. I got all my Eater decorations out and I'm ready for Spring!!

Grandma Gray came to visit the other night with temple shaped sugar cookies. Brian was out of town and she helped with the other kids while I put Isaac to bed. Jackson wanted to draw his own temple and made this rendition with tulips in front. He's a great artist and thinks of the details! 

We started sleep training Isaac last weekend. he had started waking 4 times a night. I've noticed lately that when he wakes up at night, he's not really hungry, he just wants help to get back to sleep. As I was working with Isaac the other night to calm him down, his cry seemed to sound like he was whimpering "why? why?" It was so sad. It's so hard but he's ready.  SO the hard decision to move forward with sleep training was made! A few days in and he can make it until about 4am. I'm hoping withing another month or so he will cut that feeding out as well. He's a happy baby and has been laughing and smiling a lot more lately! 

Isaac had an allergic reaction to something. He was covered in hives and his eyes were practically swollen shut. Poor Guy. We're thinking it might be peanuts coming through in my breast milk? I've been eating more than usual lately a post-run snack, other than that nothing in our diet or household has changed, so I can't figure it out. I cut the peanut butter and he was better within 3 days...who knows! Zoey was the most concerned about his new look and asked if I still loved him. Ha ha! I had to explain it was only temporary, but of course I would still love him even if it wasn't. We had a talk about how love is not an expression because of the way we look...but about the way we feel about who someone is. 

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