Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"The Organized Home"

This past month, after cleaning up from Christmas and getting over the flu, I've had the bug to organize every nook and cranny of our home. I'd attribute it to the unusually warm winter we are having and say it's the "spring cleaning fever" but Brian would attribute it to nesting and getting ready for the new baby.

I've found the energy and time to clean out and organize every room and closet, sift through and sort cabinets and drawers, wash walls and baseboards, compile a new cleaning schedule, organize the toy room and make new list of "house rules," come up with better solutions and systems, finish projects that were started 3 years ago and never finished...and it feels really good! It's like the new year has given me the excitement of having a fresh new start and I'm taking it and running with it!

My next project is making a functional and beautiful laundry room....I found an awesome armoire on ksl classifieds for $100 that I want to refinish to use as extra shelving in our laundry room. I also found these great ideas below from tip junkie: make-your-own drying rack, re-purposed candy jar for laundry detergent, check your pockets sign...great ideas! 

I also have plans for the kids' bedrooms since we'll be doing a little switcher-roo with everybody as we make room for the new baby. 18 weeks left! Let's see what can be accomplished!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it sounds like you've been super busy! I wish I had that much energy and I'm not even pregnant. :) Can't wait to start up some yoga soon. When would you like me to come and get that material and sew you up some new curtain thingies?
