Monday, May 16, 2011

Backyard Fun!

It's finally completed! The kids are just ecstatic about their new play fort and swing set. The squeals and laughs of happiness are music to my ears! I hope they get plenty of playtime on it this summer. So far  it's the first thing they want to in the morning (before breakfast and while still in p.j.'s) and the last thing before going to bed...."just one more slide?!?" Zoey woke up from her nap the other day and this was the first thing from her lips, "I want to swing." They LOVE it.

Hopefully they know how much their dad loves them, because he built the whole thing (and how much their mom loves them, because let's face it, it was my idea :) .

We thought we could have it done in a day or two, but it took more like two weeks! Weather dampened the progress and Brian travelled in between nails, screws, and posts....but it finally is completed and we are all the happier for it! You can't see it in these pictures, but he also put together a teeter totter (it's in the shape of an airplane and really cute). The blue baby swing (hanging in the wrong direction for now) was a purchase I made back when Jack was a baby- we lost the tree I intended to hang it from. But I kept it all these years and now we get to use it for Eli and any others after him!

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