Thursday, October 7, 2010

While Nursing....

It's been over a week, and we are adjusting to our new family and new schedule pretty well. I have had a lot of help which has been priceless. However, Jackson has figured out that I am glued to my chair for half an hour while I nurse Eli throughout the day, and he chooses this time to reek havoc while dragging his little sister Zoey into the mix. When he is found after a nursing session his words are usually "Mommy, don't look" or "Zoey did it!"

Monday was one of those days that if I told all that had happened it would be hard to believe it was all in one day! It started off with me nursing Eli, Jackson finding a marker, and a wonderfully colored white down comforter on my bed, ruined baby announcements, and messes galor! I have had my cups used to transfer toilet water into the bathroom sinks and drench everything in between, storage boxes unloaded of all their fill, and "mystery soups" created in the kitchen sink with things that aren't supposed to get wet! All I can say is that I am glad I start my day with prayer because it's the only way to get me through these frustrating times when I feel pulled in all directions. By the end of the day (and I mean 7pm- no joke!) I feel worked into the ground trying to keep up with it all.

But I have to say that despite the chaotic moments, it is all worth it. The rewards of having Eli join our family are abundant. We have many sweet moments with the kids wanting to display their affection and talk to Eli and tell him all about their toys or their day. It's truly wonderful having him in our home!

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